Copyright Fazenda Tamanduà
The "Fazenda Tamanduá" Analysis

Actors in the supply chain
Fazenda Tamanduà


Fazenda Tamanduá (“Anteater” Farm) is located in the district of Santa Terezinha, near the town of Patos, Paraiba State in northeastern Brazil. Sited in the backwoods of Espinharas, the farm is 7° south of the Equator, 400 km away from the coast, in the easternmost point of the South American continent, at an average elevation of 240 meters (787 feet).
Its climate is typical from semi-arid tropical regions, with an average annual rainfall of 800 mm, concentrated in a short period of 2 to 4 months, followed by a long period of drought, which can last from 8 to 12 months. Dry cycles periodically ravage the region, causing poverty, rural flight and violence. The global climate change has caused a rainfall decrease in the last years.
Since 1977, Fazenda Tamanduá belongs to Mocó Agropecuária Ltd. The word “Mocó”, which originated the name of the company, came from a sort of arboreal long fiber cotton that used to be grown there from 1977 to 1984.
“An organic production pioneer, but with limited water resources, Fazenda Tamanduá depends on the seasons and irregular rainfalls that constantly ravage the Northeast. Therefore, it is rather difficult for us to have all of our products available”.